Ask the Dietitian


Our Center for Healthy Living registered dietitians are here to be your personal advocates to educate, guide and support you on a personalized journey toward better nutrition, improved lifestyle habits and overall enhanced well-being. Their approach includes listening to your needs and answering your questions on various nutrition topics.

You can schedule a free, one-time appointment with one of our registered dieticians to address your nutrition needs. Ask the Dietitian appointments are 20-minutes and take place over the phone.

Topics to discuss with the dietitian include:

  • Improving or maintaining your current level of well-being and nutrition
  • Setting and accomplishing nutrition and well-being goals
  • Helping you recognize potential barriers to accomplishing your goals
  • Identifying preventative resources for a balanced lifestyle

See more nutrition events

To schedule your free Ask the Dietitian session, call 260-266-6500 or toll free 844-835-0003 for more information.