Car seat safety

infant in car seat

How do you know which car seat is right for your little one?

If you are getting ready to have a new baby - you need a new car seat. If you're thinking about using a pre-owned car seat, think about the safety of your baby and consider these questions:

  • Was the car seat recalled?
  • Is the car seat more than six years old?
  • Was the car seat in a crash?
  • Is the car seat missing parts?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, or the car seat does not have an owner's manual, it is not considered safe. 

Car seat safety checks

If you’re concerned about your child’s safety in the car:
Schedule a free appointment for a car seat safety check with one of our certified car seat technicians:

Parkview Women’s and Children’s Outreach

1818 Carew St., Suite 040
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

To schedule, call 260-373-9651.

Parkview Hospital Randallia

2200 Randallia Dr., Entrance 2
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

To schedule, call 877-774-8632.

Parkview DeKalb Hospital

1316 E. 7th St.
Auburn, IN 46706

To schedule, call 260-920-2510.

Parkview Noble Hospital

401 Sawyer Rd.
Kendallville, IN 46755

To schedule, call 260-347-8345.

Parkview Whitley Hospital

1260 E. State Rd. 205
Columbia City, Indiana 46725

To schedule, call 260-248-9426.