Research Benefits Local Survivors
Since 1993 the Parkview Stanley Wissman Stroke Center has contributed to stroke research, including international studies involving the clot-busting drug IV tPA and stents that are placed in the blood vessels in the neck to ensure adequate blood flow reaches the brain. New treatments resulting from such research studies will continue to improve care for stroke patients in the future.
These treatments are available locally because the Parkview Stanley Wissman Stroke Center works closely with Parkview Research Center ? the area’s first hospital-based clinical research facility.
Through Parkview Research Center, individuals throughout northeast Indiana, southern Michigan and northwest Ohio can take part in medical studies with the goal of obtaining U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval for new and improved treatments for diseases and medical conditions. The research center currently has on-going clinical trials in progress, including some related to stroke.
There are many reasons why an individual may consider taking part in a clinical research study. If you or someone you know is thinking about participating in a study, be informed and talk with your personal physician.