Testicular Self-Exam
A self-exam is a way for you to check for cancer of the testicles. Although testicular cancer is rare, it is one of the most common tumors in men younger than 35.
Many testicular cancers are found during self-exam. In the early stages of testicular cancer, the lump, which may be about the size of a pea, usually is not painful.
Testicular cancer, especially if treated early, is very often cured.
By doing this self-exam regularly, you can learn the normal size, shape, and weight of your testicles. This allows you to note any changes.
How can you do a testicular self-exam?
- The exam is best done during or after a bath or shower—when the scrotum, the skin sac that holds the testicles, is relaxed.
- Stand and place your right leg on a raised surface about chair height. Then gently feel your scrotum until you find the right testicle.
- Roll the testicle gently but firmly between your thumb and fingers of both hands. Carefully feel the surface for lumps. Feel for any change in the size, shape or texture of the testicle. The testicle should feel round and smooth. It is normal for one testicle to be slightly larger than the other one.
- Repeat this for the left side. Feel the entire surface of both testicles.
- You may feel the epididymis, the soft tube behind each testicle. Become familiar with this structure so that you won’t mistake it for a lump.
Testicular self-exam: When to call
Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:
- You have pain in a testicle.
Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:
- You notice a change in a testicle.
- You notice a lump in a testicle.