Patient Family Advisory Council

The Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is dedicated to improving the patient experience by providing insight into actual patient and family healthcare encounters and by fostering an atmosphere of dignity and respect that supports the core concept of collaboration among all parties.

Our Guiding Principles

Dignity and Respect: Listen to and respect patient and family perspectives. The knowledge, values, beliefs and diverse backgrounds are integrated into the development and delivery of quality care.

Information Sharing: Communicate and share information with patients and families. Provide patients and families with thorough information in a timely manner in order to effectively make decisions.

Collaboration: Patients, families and Parkview Health leadership collaborate in the development and implementation of new programs and the evaluation of existing programs across the health system.

Participation: Provide input related to patient safety, quality improvement, facility design, service excellence and education, and make recommendations for improvement.

The Patient Family Advisory Council will consist of patient family advisors from the community as well as Parkview Health staff. The number of members and who facilitates meetings/events will vary depending on the community location.

Expectations of Council Members

Opportunities could include but are not limited to:

  • Drawing on your own experience as a patient and/or family member and provide feedback about the patient/family member’s experience and ways it could be improved
  • In collaboration with Parkview Health leaders, participating in a variety of information gathering activities to understand others’ experiences
  • Engaging thoughtfully and constructively around the issues and ideas discussed during each meeting
  • Being respectful of the unique background and perspective of each PFAC member
  • Being realistic and mindful of good healthcare practice and Parkview Health’s budgetary, regulatory and legal constraints
  • Communicate activities and recommendations to the leadership of the Parkview Health entity
    • Commit to serving at least one year
    • Attend scheduled meetings (60-90 minutes)
    • Willing to share and actively participate
    • Vacancies will be filled during the year as needed
    • If unable to attend PFAC meeting, notify your designated PFAC facilitator and he or she may be able to attend via conference call

Consider becoming a member of the PFAC. Contact us today! 

Expectations of Parkview Co-workers

At Parkview, we recognize that consumers are experts in evaluating the experience of care and are an excellent source to receive and respond to consumer input. The goal of the council is to develop positive connections between patients, families and caregivers. These connections can lead to increased understanding, better care and compassion, as well as improved teamwork between patients, families and caregivers. We are committed to being partners with those we serve.

We will:

  • Listen and be willing to present recommendations to leaders
  • Provide feedback in regards to what is perceived to be going well or what needs improvement from the perspective of the patient and family members
  • Understand the value of the PFAC and support its work
  • Be willing to serve on the PFAC team as a steering member or clinical representative as invited
  • Help in patient recruitment efforts for the PFAC
  • Present work of your department to council when opportunities arise
  • Invite and consider council feedback on processes, policies and departmental practices

Contact Us

First Name  *Last Name  *Address  *Phone Number  *Email Address  *Preferred Contact Method?  *
PFAC location you are interested in:  *