Get babies off to a good start

This support group is not currently meeting due to the COVID-19 outbreak and restrictions on public gatherings. Only one-on-one support is available at this time.

Parkview Noble Hospital offers a free support group for breastfeeding moms to get babies off to a good start. The group is coordinated by Parkview Noble birth planner Michelle Harlan, RN.  Harlan is also a certified lactation consultant and has several years of experience working with new moms.

Breastfeeding gives babies a healthy start by providing them with a natural immunity against multiple childhood illnesses. But for some moms, breastfeeding can be challenging so that is why Harlan started up the support group. Moms can bring their babies with them and Harlan and other moms will be there to share experiences, answer questions, address concerns and provide support.

For more information, contact Michelle Harlan at (260) 347-8345 or (888) 737-9311, ext. 78345.