Community outreach

Parkview Huntington Hospital's Community Health Improvement Program funds community health improvement efforts within the service area of Parkview Huntington Hospital. The hospital sets aside 10 percent of its net income to fund community health initiatives.

Parkview Huntington Hospital gives back to the community in the form of improved facilities, education and outreach programs, free and discounted care, volunteerism and much more.  See how Parkview Huntington Hospital is reaching out to make our neighborhoods and communities healthier:

  • Financial assistance
  • Community Health Improvement initiatives
  • Primary health care and access
  • Health screening and prevention and disease management

Parkview's mission includes caring for people who can't afford to pay.  Each year the hospital provides thousands of dollars in financial assistance to the community. The hospital places its priority on providing the necessary care, not on who is going to pay the bill.

Community Health Improvement initiatives

Community Nursing Initiative 
Parkview Huntington Hospital funds a nurse in the clinic at Huntington University to provide healthcare services to students. The service of a full-time licensed practical nurse is also donated to Huntington University's Kids Kampus. The nurse works in the sick care unit of this child-care center to enable parents to have a place that will care for their sick children.    

Primary health care access

  • Parkview Huntington Hospital provides operating support to the Huntington County Free Clinic to care for uninsured and underinsured Huntington county residents.  
  • Provides support for a medication assistance program for Huntington County residents.
  • Partnership with Huntington University includes monetary support from Parkview Huntington Hospital for its nursing program.
  • Partnership also with the Parkview Huntington Family YMCA has included monetary support for the construction of a new YMCA facility.  

Health screening and prevention and disease management

Parkview Huntington Hospital sponsors and participates in numerous health fairs and activities throughout the year to provide health education, health screenings for disease prevention and to promote healthy lifestyles. The hospital also provides support groups to assist patients and families in managing disease.