“Take that, cancer!”

Last Modified: 6/26/2020


Four years ago, Leigh Ann Brooks, RN, MSN, RD, CD, CDCES, Parkview Diabetes Education Center, was diagnosed with breast cancer. After taking some time off to receive treatment, she came back to work with a renewed desire to lead and a fresh set of goals. Leigh Ann decided to pursue both her BSN and MSN from Western Governors University (WGU). Now back at work and cancer-free, she accepted the honor of sharing her experience in a virtual commencement speech for the class of 2020.

“Thanks to my amazing healthcare team and providers, I stand here today cancer-free,” Leigh Ann said. “Thanks to WGU, I was able to accomplish my goal of achieving not only my BSN, but also my MSN. Lastly, thanks to my mentor, my course instructors, my friends and my family, I was able to pace myself, stay on track, stay grounded, and take back my life.”

Congratulations Leigh Ann, and to all of the graduates who achieved their goals in 2020!

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