Seeking support: A new virtual group for Type 1 diabetics

Last Modified: 11/08/2021

diabetes support groups

This post was written by Leigh Ann Brooks, RN, MSN, RD, CD, CDCES, nursing services operational lead, Parkview Diabetes Education Center. 

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, you know how life-changing that diagnosis can be. Much of the information and education for diabetes targets those with Type 2 diabetes. With less than 10% of individuals with diabetes having Type 1, it can be challenging to find the support and understanding you need. Fortunately, Parkview’s Diabetes Services team is listening.

What we’re offering

We have completed community surveys, held focus groups and interviewed individuals with Type 1 diabetes to understand how we can better support and serve them. We found many individuals voicing a need for a support group specific to Type 1 diabetes within our community. As a result, Parkview’s Diabetes Services team is making that happen. Our mission is to connect those living with Type 1 diabetes with others on the same journey. Whether someone needs support or has it all figured out, this group is for them!

The health benefits of joining a diabetes support group

Diabetes support groups allow the opportunity for you to bring any questions, concerns or experiences you have encountered while living with Type 1 diabetes. Spending time with others living with Type 1 diabetes may help provide insight into situations you may encounter and equip you with the resources you need to improve your health and quality of life. Identifying and interacting with a positive social support system can decrease stress levels for those living with the disease.

How to know if this group is right for you

Identifying a health support system is important for anyone who has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Family and friends are often the first-line support system for those living with diabetes. However, identifying with individuals who are also living with the condition can provide another type of support and understanding. Identifying and communicating with others who are walking the same journey can be an invaluable experience.

The best way to know if this group is right for you is to join us. The needs of the individuals attending will drive this group. If you visit and have suggestions or ideas to make it a more valuable experience for yourself and others, please share that with us. We will never force anyone to share or make them feel obligated to attend.

What first-time goers can expect

This group is in its infancy, but our goal is to meet YOUR needs, not our agenda. First-time participants can expect to hear from others living with Type 1 diabetes and members of their support system. Participants will never be called on to speak or share unless they want to contribute. However, as the group grows, we aim to break it down by age and offer individual support groups for pediatrics, teens and adults. Eventually, if there is interest, we hope to establish mentor connections among the groups for joint collaborative sessions.

Getting the most out of this group

To reap the benefits of this group, we suggest attending routinely and participating as much as possible and being open to sharing and discussing. This will be an intentional and safe place to discuss your thoughts and feelings. The more you interact with the group, the more supported you will feel, and in turn, you will be providing support to others who need to hear your dialogue. Participants will learn from a certified diabetes educator and facilitator, who attend all sessions.

Final thoughts

We want you here! We want you to come with your ideas, success stories, concerns and needs. Join us and surround yourself with others who also know what it is like to live with Type 1 diabetes.

There are no specific criteria participants must meet to attend this group. The first meeting will be open to anyone with Type 1 diabetes or anyone who supports someone with the condition.

Meeting details

The Type 1 Support Group meets virtually at 6 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday each month. Join us by phone, computer or mobile app as described below. For more information, call 260-373-4280.

Join on your computer or mobile app


Or call in (audio only)
Phone Conference ID: 144 180 390#


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