Say something

Last Modified: 10/12/2022

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is a serious public health problem for youth between the ages of 10 and 24, and results in approximately 4,600 lives lost each year. So often, we second guess our concerns about a friend or loved one, but it’s so important to say something. Because what if you’re right?

Make a difference

Parkview and Parkview Behavioral Health are passionate about helping individuals and families who may be experiencing a mental health need. We are committed to teaching others how to recognize and respond to a suicide crisis as part of our mission to improve the health of the communities we serve. Parkview Behavioral Health, along with funding from the Lutheran Foundation, formed the Parkview Suicide Prevention Task Force to identify and implement QPR (Question Persuade and Refer) training to educate the public.

Learn more about QPR training and classes in Allen County so that you can ask the right questions to possibly save a life.


If you have concerns about yourself or a friend, consider connecting with of these trusted resources.

Parkview Behavioral Health HelpLine

Look Up
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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

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