Are rainy skies or high temperatures keeping you indoors this summer? Your kids may want to reach for the television remote or grab their tablets. But there’s a better way to curb their cabin fever: good old-fashioned movement. They can burn energy and get some exercise, and you’ll have a chance to join in on the fun!
Candice Dunkin, MS, LAT, ATC, manager of athletic training, Parkview Sports Medicine, is sharing her insider knowledge on how to keep youngsters active indoors.
Classy moves.
Have your child teach you a move he learned at soccer camp, then show him a pose from your yoga class. Take turns teaching each other a new skill until you can’t think of anything else to share. The first one out of ideas is in charge of making the post-workout popcorn.
Freeze frame.
Gather the kiddos, crank up the tunes and have them boogie down until you pause the music. When the music stops, dancers have to freeze and hold whatever position they’re in. Keep going until they’re wiped out. Or, jump in and dance, and have one of the youngsters pause the music. The more the merrier with this game.
Balloon volleyball.
Although volleyball usually takes more than one person, this version is different. Your child can play both sides! Simply blow up a balloon, use colored tape to mark the center line, and have your child jump back and forth over the line to hit the balloon before it lands on the ground. See if she can keep it in the air for 25 turns — the usual winning score in volleyball.
Crab walk.
Show your child the crab walk — hands and feet on the floor, stomach facing up. Once he’s mastered the trade, ask him to balance bean bags on his belly and move across a finish line. Or ask him to grab wayward toys and take them to his room. (Don’t mention he’s helping you clean.)
Stand together.
Have two youngsters sit on the floor, back to back, with arms linked at the elbows. See whether they can work together to stand up. Then, see if they can stay linked while walking around, trying to pick different items up off the floor.
Potato drop.
Have some competitive kids? Set up a race by placing two small bowls at a finish like. Mark a starting point 15 feet away, and give each child a potato. Have them race toward the finish line, carrying the potato between their knees, to see who can drop it in the bowl first. No hands allowed! If racers drop the potato, they have to go back to the starting line.
Obstacle course.
Clear the living room or the basement! The kids can use their imagination to create their own obstacle course.