One Year, One Healthy Change

Last Modified: 5/22/2018

Resuscitating our promises


Well, we have made it through the worst of winter and spring fever is beginning to force its way into our consciousness.

How many of our New Year’s resolutions remain intact?

Based on this past weekend’s "Parade Magazine" (2/19/2012), many of us need a little help in resuscitating those promises we made to ourselves only a short seven weeks ago. Our best intentions to create a better, healthier version of our former selves all too often become hijacked by the frenetic pace of our daily lives. I 

must admit that my own best intentions have suffered the same fate as so many others as "life" seems to get in the way. So where do we go from here? Do we simply give up and wait for another year? Why accomplish today what we can put off until tomorrow?

One Year, One Healthy Change was conceived for this very problem. We all seem to want to "bite off more than we can chew" and although there is nothing inherently wrong with lofty goals, many times we need to recognize that bite might be a bit too big, given our hectic daily lives, and reset our goals a tad.

I am only asking that you commit to making one small change in your life this year. It is hard to stop smoking, lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier and be less stressed all at the same time. I'm stressed just thinking about all of these changes at once. So let's take a deep breath and reset our goals just a bit and choose a single small change that we believe we can achieve. Success has a wonderful positive effect on our lives, making the next small change even easier to achieve.

One Year, One Healthy Change

Do you need help with that small change or even deciding what it is you want to even consider committing to this year? I encourage you to take advantage of the free and invaluable information on the new and improved Fort 4 Fitness website. ( The "4 Your Health" tab on the website has been revised, updated and is chock full of helpful information to assist you in deciding on a single lifestyle change. The site provides you with an incredible resource you can use to actually achieve that goal. No matter which of the five areas you choose to tackle this year, the site has the tools to assist you in your quest. The website is free, the information is free and most important your commitment can be confidential. Only you will know what it is you wish to change this year.

Many of us, myself included, fear failure – especially having our failure witnessed by others. But with One Year, One Healthy Change, you need not divulge your secret to anyone but yourself.

I am confident that by choosing a single small change and using the resources available you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

Go on and make the commitment to a single healthy change in your life this year and use the heck out of the Fort 4 Fitness website to assist you in accomplishing your goal.

Next time we will delve into some of the specific areas we recommend as healthy changes and offer some tips as to how you can finally be successful with your New Year’s Resolutions.




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