Martha Goodrich Award winner Cori McKenzie

Last Modified: 6/17/2020

Inspired by her personal experience with infant loss, Cori McKenzie, MCH, bereavement coordinator, Parkview Health, has spent years serving others in their time of sorrow. Earlier this spring, while hosting a virtual bereavement support group, Cori received a well-deserved surprise. Joined unexpectedly by Patrick Riecke, director, Chaplaincy & Volunteer Services, other Parkview leaders and her family, Cori learned she was being honored with the Martha Goodrich Award, part of the Raymond Rosenberger Trust, for her work to alleviate human suffering. We asked Erin Norton, director of community outreach, Parkview Women’s & Children’s Hospital, who nominated Cori, and the winner herself to share a bit about her important work and motivation.

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