Managing your diabetes in 2018

Last Modified: 9/12/2022

Managing your diabetes in 2018

As we set our intentions for the months ahead, Leigh Ann Brooks, Nursing Services Operational Lead, Diabetes Education, Parkview Regional Medical Center, encourages those managing their diabetes to include their condition in their list of resolutions. Here, she shares more on making your health a priority.

The start of a new year means a fresh calendar, a fresh start and fresh goals. Have you ever considered setting a New Year’s resolution around your diabetes management? So many people set the same resolution over and over each year, often struggling to follow through because they don’t know the steps to take to achieve their goal. When it comes to diabetes care, it can be easy to set a resolution and follow through!

Your care team has already set the resolutions for you based on research and best practice guidelines. This set of resolutions is called the Standards of Care for Diabetes. Diabetes can have an impact on many different areas of your body. The Standards of Care encompass a list of items that you should achieve throughout the year to prevent complications.

Take your 2018 calendar and start filling in the Standards of Care on the dates by which you should complete them. This way you know you are starting the year on the right foot for your health. Here is a complete list of the Standards of Care for Diabetes:

  • A1C test should be done every 3-6 months. Target is 7% or less.
  • Monitor your blood glucose at home. Discuss the frequency and times of monitoring with your physician.
  • Blood pressure should be evaluated at each doctor’s visit. Target is at least 140/90 or less.
  • Cholesterol/Lipid panel should be done at least once a year.
  • Dilated Eye Exam at least once a year.
  • Foot Inspection by you daily. If you notice any cuts, sores, redness, swelling or drainage, seek medical attention immediately!
  • Foot exam annually by physician.
  • Kidney function labs done annually.
  • Visit a dentist twice a year.
  • Attend diabetes education to review and keep on track with your meal plan and maintaining a healthy body weight. Contact Parkview Diabetes Center for information on enrolling in education sessions or to meet with a dietitian to review your meal plan.
  • If you smoke, STOP. This is the number one thing you can do to improve your overall health.
  • Vaccines: Hepatitis B series is recommended for those ages 19-59. If you are >60 years old discuss with your physician. Flu shots are recommended annually. Pneumonia vaccines are recommended for certain age groups as well. 

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