Less worry with Watchman™

Last Modified: 5/24/2019

Watchman™ is a device used in patients with atrial fibrillation (AFib) and a high stroke risk, and who are unable to take blood thinners. Thanks to this device, nearly 100% of the Parkview Heart Institute patients who received the implant have been able to come off of their oral anticoagulant medications within 45 days of placement.

You may be a candidate if you have:

  • History of bleeding
  • Inability or significant difficulty using anticoagulant medications (blood thinners)
  • High risk of recurrent falls
  • Severe renal failure
  • Occupation/lifestyle related high bleeding risk
  • Increased bleeding risk due to tumor, cancer or various other conditions associated with bleeding
  • Other situations for which anticoagulation is inappropriate

For questions about Parkview’s Watchman™ program, please call 260-266-FIBR (3427), or ask your primary care physician for a referral to the Parkview Heart Institute’s AFib Clinic.

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