Introducing our Fort 4 Fitness runners

Last Modified: 9/26/2022

Introducing our Fort 4 Fitness runners

In just a few months, runners and walkers of all ages and activity levels will head downtown to participate in the Fort 4 Fitness race events. This year, four Parkview Health team members have volunteered to let us follow their training progress. From their training programs to troubleshooting injuries, to improving performance, they will utilize Parkview Sports Medicine resources to achieve their best results, and you’re invited to follow along! Share your thoughts and questions at any time in the comments section or by sending a tweet to @parkviewhealth. #runthefort 


Meet Jen
Training for: 4 Mile

“I ran cross country in high school, but 17 years and 3 babies later, I’m definitely in an exercise rut. My youngest son is approaching his first birthday and the Fort 4 Fitness run is exactly the motivator I need to get back into a healthy routine. My goals are to run the entire 4 miles and lose some weight along the way. Like a lot of mothers, my biggest obstacle will be making the time to train. It’s certainly challenging with a fulltime job and three young boys, but I’m determined.”



Meet Katie
Training for: 10k

“I’m a busy mom with two little boys, but I’ve always loved to run. I did cross country in high school and have come back to the sport on and off throughout the years. After a health scare with my oldest child, I trained for 8 months and ran the Chicago Marathon. It was my therapy. Since then, I’ve opted for other workouts, but I really miss running. I always intend to start again but stop after the first few runs. Working fulltime also makes it tough to get out there. But I’m really looking forward to this!”



Meet Shanna
Training for: 10k

“My fitness level is declining and I am getting old. Music is too loud and I creak when I go up and down stairs. But I’ve learned to embrace my gray hairs (right before I color them) and am more comfortable in my wrinkly skin than ever before. I have a complicated relationship with running. I was helping my daughter train for cross country last summer and we ended up running one block and then stopping at Grandpa’s house for a popsicle. I’ve started running and stopped numerous times, plagued by sprained ankles, shin splints, IT band issues and painful knees. I enjoyed it while it lasted but always felt justified in breaking up with it. The longest race I’ve ever completed is a 5k, but I’m ready to up the ante. I hope to get a sense of accomplishment out of the race, whether I end up walking part of the way or not. I want to feel like I didn’t give up and my body didn’t give up on me. I want to demonstrate to my kids what I always preach, that the scale doesn’t matter, being healthy does. And firmer thighs would be a bonus.”



Meet Courtney
Training for: Half marathon

“I have always had a love/hate relationship with running. I dread getting started, but I relish the feeling of accomplishment after I cover a long distance. I have three little girls, and it’s important to me to set a strong example for them. This will be my third time running the half marathon. I’m hoping to improve my pace and form, avoid injury, and develop smarter hydration habits.”  



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