How to build a raised garden bed

Last Modified: 7/21/2022

Raised garden beds aren’t a new concept, but they have become increasingly popular over the last few years, offering a host of benefits to gardeners of every skill level. As we continue to bask in the sun’s golden rays and warm temperatures of summer, we thought it would be the perfect time to consult our resident gardening expert, Camille Schuelke, greenhouse farmer, Parkview Community Greenhouse and Learning Kitchen. Join us as she walks us through the step-by-step process of building a raised garden bed, so you can keep those fresh vegetables coming well into fall.

Getting started

For those wanting to get started, here’s a list of the supplies you’ll need to assemble your raised garden bed:

  • 4 10-foot boards cut to 4 and 6-feet long
  • 8 2x4 boards cut to 22.5 inches long
  • 100 2.5-inch wood screws
  • Power drill and drill bit
  • Wood scraps
  • Soil
Final thoughts

Once you’ve finished building your raised garden bed, if you haven’t already done so, move it to a level spot in your yard and fill it with soil. Also, don’t forget to enjoy the process and be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Happy gardening!


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