Holiday hazards

Last Modified: 5/22/2018

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This weekend, we'll enjoy sweet and savory aromas that waft from the kitchen and trigger our childhood memories. We'll gaze at twinkle lights from banisters and gather with friends we see maybe just a few times a year. It is truly a magical holiday. But with all of the excitement, we tend to lose sight of the importance of safety. Captain Dave Meadows of the Fire Prevention and Education Division of the Fort Wayne Fire Department shares the essential tips you need to know to keep your holidays merry and bright.


“According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries,” Captain Meadows said. “It's a recipe for serious injury or even death to wear loose clothing (especially hanging sleeves), walk away from a cooking pot on the stove, or leave flammable materials, such as potholders or paper towels, around the stove. The FWFD encourages you follow simple cooking safety tips to keep you and your family safe this holiday season.”

Download Captain Meadows' complete guide to Holiday Cooking Safety

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Dial or defend?

While fire extinguishers and baking soda can put out small fires when used properly, kitchen fires can spring up quickly and spread even faster. Captain Meadows reminds us, “Never hesitate to call the fire department. You should also be sure to get your family out of the house. Remember, safety first; Keep yourself and your family protected, and call 911 for help In the event of a fire.”

Decorating and Entertaining

The lights! The candles! The crowds! Winter holidays are a time for families and friends to get together, but that also means a greater risk for fire. Following a few simple tips will ensure a happy and fire-safe holiday season. 

Download Captain Meadows' complete guide to Winter Holiday Safety




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