Heart attack: What are the signs?

Last Modified: 9/30/2022

Heart attack: What are the signs?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year about 750,000 Americans suffer a heart attack, meaning the blood supply to their heart is cut off, resulting in a lack of oxygen to cells around the vital organ. The impact of a major cardiac episode can be devastating if not treated immediately, so every second counts.  

As we welcome American Heart Month, it’s important to brush up on the warning signs of a heart attack for men and women (because they can be different). We encourage you to print this poster and hang it in a shared work space, on the side of your refrigerator or in the locker room at your gym.

Remember, high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, diabetes and a previous heart attack or stroke are all risk factors for a heart episode. Know your numbers and practice prevention! 

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