Have you asked about an EAP?

Last Modified: 6/16/2020


To say the last several months have been stressful, is an understatement. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pandemics can generate anxiety tied to things such as fear and worry about your own health or the health of loved ones, your financial situation, the loss of support services, changes in sleep, worsening of mental health or chronic health issues, and an increased dependence on tobacco or alcohol.

If you’re looking for support and guidance in navigating your fears during this time, your employer might have the resources you need. Many organizations offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), designed to come alongside co-workers in their time of personal need. To learn more about these services, we invited Ken Shields, MA, LMHC, LCAC, manager, Parkview Employee Assistance Program, to answer some of the most common questions.

What is an EAP?

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) exist to serve organizations and their employees in numerous ways, from management consultation to assisting employees and their family members with personal challenges. A core purpose of EAPs it to help work organizations address productivity issues and identify and help resolve an array of employee concerns (e.g., emotional, relational, financial).

What are some scenarios in which an EAP comes in handy?

An EAP can be helpful in times of …

  • Crisis intervention
  • Family and marital stress
  • Relationship issues
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Personal and work stress
  • Divorce recovery
  • Parent coaching
  • Emotional difficulties
  • Financial difficulties
Why is now a great time to utilize an EAP?

Human beings function best and thrive as part of some type of community. We reach out to support others through rough patches. What makes this time in our lives unique, is that none of us have ever experienced these stressors before. EAP has licensed professional staff to provide assessment, brief counseling or provide the best connection to needed treatment beyond EAP.  We also have a knowledgeable financial educator on the team to assist with financial concerns.

Ask your employer if you have an EAP. It could be the first step toward healing and a healthier you. To learn more about Parkview’s EAP program, call 260-373-9017 or 800-666-4449.


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