Getting to know Dr. Linda Han

Last Modified: 9/26/2022

Getting to know Dr. Linda Han

When Parkview began recruiting oncology specialists for the new Parkview Cancer Institute, we knew we wanted the best in their field. For breast oncology, that meant inviting Linda Han, MD, FACS, PPG - Oncology, to join the team. 

"Dr. Han is amazing," Amanda Turner, BSN, RN, oncology nurse navigator, said. "She has so much respect for her staff and gives such amazing care to her patients. I feel fortunate to work with her every day." 

Other team members agree. "She really listens to her patients," Stefani Davis, nurse practitioner, added. "She is the whole package - knowledgeable, empathetic and respectful. Through her amazing expertise, she helps people through their entire cancer journey."  

Leading with such consideration and forward thinking sets Dr. Han apart from others in her speciality. These and so many other qualities are what make her one of the discerning, leading-edge, esteemed People of Parkview.

Name: Linda K. Han, MD, FACS

Title: Director Breast Oncology, Parkview Cancer Institute

Describe your education and career journey:

  • Undergraduate, BA, Biology, IU – Bloomington, 1982
  • Medical school, IU- Indianapolis, 1986
  • Surgery residency, Ohio State University, 1993
  • Private practice until 2011
  • Director of IU Breast Surgical Oncology, 2011 - 2016
  • Parkview Cancer Institute 2017

Why did you pursue this profession/specialty?
Caring for patients is rewarding but especially so for breast cancer patients.

What attracted you to Parkview?
Parkview’s vision to develop the best oncology program in the region and an opportunity to develop a comprehensive multi-disciplinary breast oncology program. The level of commitment to achieve that goal by recruiting highly qualified physician specialists and providing the infrastructure for patient centered care was a strong factor supporting my decision to be a part of this exciting new program.

How are you specifically interacting with patients? What services are you providing?
Through our dedicated breast program, we see patients who have any breast related concerns, whether it is cancer or simply a concern of cancer risk. Not only do we provide comprehensive personalized treatment plans for breast cancer, we also provide education, counseling and prevention strategies for women at high risk for breast cancer. So, we offer a risk assessment, including genetic counseling for potential mutations that could increase risk of cancer and an  opportunity to participate in cutting edge clinical trials.

What is a typical day like for you?
I perform surgeries two days a week and see patients in the office two days a week.  One day is devoted to administrative duties.

Can you explain the benefits of the Cancer Institute’s care team model?
Our model is based on a multi-disciplinary team approach of specialty care. This means that each team develops best practice based on review of the evidence and most recent clinical studies.

What do care teams mean for patients?
The multidisciplinary care team model ensures a comprehensive approach with a personalized treatment plan for each patient.

How would you describe your care team, specifically?
Our breast care team is comprised of specialists who focus on breast cancer and include nurse navigators, advanced practitioners, radiologists, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, plastic reconstructive surgeon, genetic counselor, breast surgeon and survivorship care.

You utilize minimally invasive technology. Can you explain that a bit?
Not all breast masses or cancers require a trip to the operating room.

What is the best piece of advice you can give women about their breast health?
Focus on an overall healthy lifestyle of adequate exercise and weight management. Taking care of your body will help you take care of your breasts.

If you could tell people to read one book in their lifetime, which would it be?
“The Emporer of All Maladies” by Siddhartha Mukherjee.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
Always challenge yourself for a major change in your career every 5 years. This means continuous learning, self-improvement and professional development.


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