Eat Right, Bite by Bite: Lunch

Last Modified: 3/24/2020

March is National Nutrition Month and centers on making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. This year’s theme is, “Eat Right, Bite by Bite.” In honor of the campaign and to celebrate the theme, we’ve created a series of videos in which we highlight the small goals and changes you can make while still having a profound effect on your overall health. Our third installment showcases, Adrianne Kartholl, RDN, CD, Parkview Health, sharing some helpful tips and tricks to make packing your lunch an effortless part of your routine.

Healthful hints

Packing a healthy lunch may seem intimidating, but it’s easier than you think. Try utilizing a few of these healthful hacks:

  • Add a variety of fresh food: It’s always a good idea to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your meals. They’re perfect for packing healthy lunches throughout the week.
  • Proper portions: It’s easy to go overboard but consider using proportioned bags or containers to help keep your portion sizes in check.
  • Fill up on food groups: Salads are a wonderful option. They’re versatile and are a great way to incorporate most of the food groups into your meal.
  • Shake up your salad: When using salad dressings, try portioning out a single serving size into a 2oz container. Once you add your dressing to the salad shake everything together. This will ensure the flavor is evenly distributed.
  • Boost your beverages: When choosing a beverage, consider using a zero-calorie drink packet in your water. It’s a great way to stay hydrated while adding a little flavor too.
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Join us every Tuesday in March for more healthful hints from our clinical dieticians.

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