COVID-19 vaccine guidance: Cancer

Last Modified: 3/12/2021

There’s an overwhelming amount of information circulating in the media regarding the coronavirus vaccine. This can lead to confusion and trepidation about the best course of action for each individual. Particularly those who are dealing with disease or other comorbidities that could complicate their decision.

Cancer is one such disease that impacts so many in our country. According to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 1,806,590 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the United States and 606,520 people died from the disease in the year 2020 alone. This doesn’t take into account those with an ongoing battle or who are in remission. Cancer touches so many lives and can make healthcare decisions more difficult.

COVID cancer

In an effort to help this population assess the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, we enlisted the expert advice of Neil Sharma, MD, president, Parkview Cancer Institute. In this video he discusses general recommendations for those with active cancer or a past diagnosis, as well as the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and the rare instances in which a patient should not move forward with the preventative measure. If you have additional questions, you should always consult your oncologist.

For more information or to register to receive your COVID-19 vaccine when eligible, please visit

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