Cobas® 8100 Pre-analytical Line

Last Modified: 4/26/2019

A big part of the work we do in the Parkview Lab is categorized as pre-analytic testing. This includes ordering, collecting, receiving, centrifuging (spinning quickly to separate fluids) and aliquoting (removing a particular part of the sample) specimens prior to the instruments performing testing.  

The Cobas® 8100 Pre-analytical Line is a series of modules that automate the processing part of the pre-analytic work flow. Samples that already contain a lab barcode label can be loaded in based on priority. The automation line can read which tests need to be performed from the barcode label.

The sample will travel to the centrifuge if needed, a decapper to remove the lid and then to aliquot. It will then travel to a chemistry analyzer for testing. These steps are completed without any manual intervention.

Once testing is complete, the sample will follow the track and go on to the on-board storage unit where it is kept for up to four hours. The tube could be pulled and routed back to the chemistry analyzer so additional testing can be performed if requested.

The specimen is then archived into a rack which contains up to 100 samples. These are placed in a module by the robotic arm and are then removed and placed in a refrigerator for three days. The 8100 creates a storage location that can be located by anyone in the lab in the event the tube is pulled for additional testing. We run approximately 500 tubes per day, so this makes locating a sample a quick process.

All specimens that arrive in the lab through the pneumatic tube station or sent by courier are sorted or placed on racks to go on the 8100 or hand delivered to areas that are not automated.

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