Car seat safety every Parkview Mom should know

Last Modified: 10/04/2022

Car seat safety every Parkview Mom should know

Almost any new parent will tell you the true reality of becoming a mother or father really sets in when you place your sweet new arrival in the car and drive away from the hospital. For that first precious road trip, and all the miles to follow, it is essential parents observe some basic car seat safety guidelines. Certified child passenger safety technician, Sarah Wolfe, BSN, RN, FCN, CPST, Family Birthing Center, Parkview Whitley Hospital shares the essential rules for transporting your tiny bundle of joy.


Many of our Parkview Family Birthing Centers offer parents the chance to have their child restraints inspected at no cost by certified child passenger safety technicians.

For more, visit and discover the difference in our Family Birthing Centers. And don’t forget to share all of your precious #parkviewmom moments with the hashtag on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!   

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