A special anniversary for a special unit

Last Modified: 10/14/2021

Supportive Care Unit

On October 16, the Supportive Care Unit (SCU) will celebrate five years of providing compassionate, skilled care to patients who are nearing the end of life. Located on the third floor of Randallia’s State Tower, this team of nurses, social workers and chaplains have helped more than 2,000 patients celebrate each day remaining.

Brooke Kinzer, nursing services manager for the SCU, has some marvelous stories to share of how the team celebrates special occasions with patients and their families with “purpose and intention.” For such milestone events as weddings, baptisms and graduations, the Supportive Care Unit team is dedicated to learning what is memorable for each family.

“I remember when we celebrated Easter with a young mom and her little girl,” recalls Brooke. “My team went in search of a small basket, plastic eggs and candy so the patient could enjoy seeing her daughter’s excitement from this holiday tradition. We try to create stories that will continue to live on, even after the loved one has passed.”

In addition to their creativity in facilitating a patient’s final wishes, this hospice team must think critically and be adaptable as they care for very high acuity patients. By the time individuals transition into hospice care, they are ready to discontinue treatment intended to cure their disease or injury. Instead, they are seeking treatment to ease any physical discomfort as well as support for any emotional and spiritual distress. 

Congratulations on achieving your own milestone, Brooke and team. Thank you on behalf of the families for whom you’ve created lasting memories.

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