A son celebrates his favorite Parkview co-worker (his dad!)

Last Modified: 6/17/2022

father son

Tony Braun is a second-generation Parkview co-worker. Mike Braun, a facilities engineering technician at Parkview Hospital Randallia, became a member of the Parkview family in 1998. Fifteen years later – in 2013 – Tony joined Parkview as a graphics specialist on the Marketing and Communications team.

In honor of Father’s Day, Tony answered five questions about Mike as a surprise tribute to his father:

father son

1. What three words best describe your dad?

Hard-working, caring, fun

2. What’s your dad’s best quality?

He’s great at troubleshooting problems and creating a solution.

father son

3. What’s your favorite activity to do with your dad?

We enjoy working on home projects and putting things together in his workshop.

4. What’s your earliest memory of your dad?

I remember us taking morning trips to the zoo before it would get too hot outside and going for rides on the back of his bike through our neighborhood.

father son

5. How has your dad inspired you?

He’s inspired me to work hard, be more aware of others’ needs and to help however I can.


Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads and father figures celebrating today!

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