A few facts on eating disorders

Last Modified: 9/20/2022


As we near our community event, Perspectives from Different Sides of the Couch: A Community Panel on Eating Disorders, we want to encourage people in the area to consider their connection to the topic. With both genetic and environmental factors contributing to the condition, the statistics are staggering. There are approximately 24 million Americans suffering from an eating disorder. These men and women face the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, and a disease that doesn't discriminate based on age, sex, race, class or sexual orientation. It could touch someone you know. It could touch someone you love. It could touch you.

To learn more, join us for Perspectives from Different Sides of the Couch: A Community Panel on Eating Disorders, featuring information from a therapist, nutritionist and physician specializing in the treatment of eating disorders as well as recovery. Reserve your spot for the event, being held Thursday, April 27 at 6 p.m. at the Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation, here.


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