A daughter’s diary: My parents’ battle against COVID-19

Last Modified: 5/15/2020

COVID patients

In March, as news of a growing pandemic filled every media outlet, Dave and Linda Welch began the fight of their lives, as their children waited, helplessly. One of their daughters, Sarah Mohrman, who serves as a dietitian at the Parkview Heart Institute, shared her personal journal entries captured during this challenging time.*

A daughter's diary

March 2, 2020

We’re counting down the days – just 26 now – to Spring Break, our most beloved week together as a family. [My sons,] Jack and Pete, picked up some Hawaiian shirts at Target that they quickly dubbed their "Night Walk shirts”. They love strolling the beach with [my husband] Ryan looking for interesting things. It’s been a tradition for years. Jack in particular thinks the “ladies will really dig his shirt.” 

I’m in bed and CNN is on in the background. They’re talking about the coronavirus and how it could affect future spring break plans. “Sarah, our trip is less than a month away,” Ryan scoffed. “There is no way. We will be on the beach!"

March 6, 2020, 1 p.m.

Today I attended Dr. Michael Greger's presentation on "How Not to Die" at the Grand Wayne Center. There were a couple hundred people there, many from our office. I got a text from my brother. His company is backing out of an upcoming conference due to coronavirus.

March 6, 2020, 6 p.m.

I just got an alert on my phone. Mom and Dad landed in Fort Wayne. They’ve been in Phoenix since February 25, using my sister’s timeshare. They really deserved this vacation. I can't remember the last time they went on one.  

March 7, 2020, 10 a.m.

It’s Saturday and the kids have birthday parties to go to. My brother posted on Facebook that he just "lucked out" at CVS and grabbed the last four packages of hand sanitizing wipes with 65% alcohol. I really think he is beginning to lose it. I mean, why is he hoarding hand sanitizing wipes?

I spoke to Mom. We’re finalizing plans for my birthday tomorrow. The weather should be beautiful!

March 7, 2020, 7 p.m.

We went out for a birthday dinner downtown with one of our favorite couples. The husband is a germophobe, so of course much of our conversation was focused on the coronavirus, germs and how we hope we can still go to Florida. When we ordered, the waitress gave me a high five and I saw the look of panic on my friend’s face. When she walked away, I made the comment that she clearly didn't get the CDC memo on "jazz hands" instead of hand-to-hand contact. I went and washed my hands before the appetizer came.

After dinner, we went to Conner's Rooftop for a drink. We found a table and toasted what could possibly be our "last night out" together for some time.

March 9, 2020

It’s quiet in the office today. My two officemates are off on Mondays and my boss is in Florida and won't be back until Wednesday. I’m really looking forward to hearing what he has to say about his airport experience.

We got a message from our Chief Quality and Safety Officer, Dr. Jeffrey Boord. The health system has its first confirmed case of coronavirus. One of the walk-in clinics is closed for deep cleaning. I wonder if they traveled anywhere. This is too close to home.


March 11, 2020

My boss is back from Florida. He got a sinus infection from a recent tooth procedure and went to the New Vision walk-in clinic first thing this morning. He said everyone is wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), which caught him off guard a bit.

March 13, 2020, 8 a.m.

I’m off today, but my phone is going crazy with text messages to a family group thread. My brother, Adam, is prompting my parents to tell us something.

Adam: Mom, have you shared with everyone?

Mom: No

Andrew: What?

Mom: I have a 100.4 temp! Calling doctor in a couple hours when they are open.

Adam: I'm staying home and will be for two weeks since they have been with the kids. Keeping the kids home as well.

I sent them a link to the Parkview Screening Symptom Checker. I think we’re all starting to panic a little. My parents have been with all of us within the last week, and even closer with my brother's kids, since she watches them during the week. Mom sent another text. Dad has a fever, too, 100.2. Both denied a consistent cough and body aches. Mom agreed to call her family doctor and they told her to call back if they notice shortness of breath. We had Dad do a Parkview OnDemand consult. They suspect he has an upper respiratory infection and it should start resolving in about 9 days.

The CDC just declared the coronavirus a pandemic.

March 13, 2020, 6 p.m.

The boys’ school just closed through April 6. We went out to dinner with Ryan’s parents, but asked for a table in the lower level, where there’s just one other table. We were vigilant not to double dip. I can’t stop thinking about my parents. I hope it’s just a little bug.

Ryan and I are wondering if we should rent a house with a pool and self-quarantine in Florida the week before our actual vacation. I’d love to be somewhere warm, and it feels like we have all the time in the world right now.

March 14, 2020

I found it! A beautiful little 3-bedroom house in Florida with a pullout couch and its own private pool! I booked it for March 23 – 28. This won't be so bad. I changed our flights to fly out of Indianapolis on the 23rd and return as planned on April 6. If we want to drive, we have that option as well. It’s all coming together.   

Last night, I read a story where coronavirus patients started taking Sudafed and it helped. I went to Parkview’s outpatient pharmacy and grabbed the two kinds they had. I picked up chicken soup and ran into the gas station to get them some Gatorade. They even had Dad’s favorite candy, Burnt Peanuts! I put all of the bags on their porch and called Dad to let him know the goodies were there. They’re really trying to keep their fevers at bay.

March 15, 2020

The CDC recommends delaying all unnecessary travel.  There is talk of a nationwide lockdown. How is this even happening?

March 16, 2020

The Indiana governor ordered restaurants and bars to close, with the exception of carry out. Dr. Anthony Fauci wants them to close across the country as well as a 14-day national shutdown. So far Indiana has only tested 139 people. 

My brother sent a message at noon that his 1st grader is complaining he is cold and tired. His temperature is 100. After talking to their doctor, my dad and nephew went into the Parkview lab to get tested for a flu panel. Fingers crossed it’s positive. I have never wished for a positive flu test before, but I’m guessing it’s better than COVID-19.

March 17, 2020

My nephew’s temperature is normal today. Mom’s is 98.6 and Dad’s is 100.2. All flu tests come back negative. 

March 18, 2020

Mom and Dad have now had fevers for six days. Mom’s big task of the day is getting Dad to take a shower and take out the trash. Garbage day is tomorrow. The family texts fire up, with my brother kicking it off.

Andrew: How are you all?

Mom: We are living so that is good!

Andrew: Temps? Any more symptoms?

Mom: Pretty sure still have fever as chills continue and feel weak and dizzy! But have not been up much. Love to you all! <3

We told them they need to follow up with their doctor in the morning.


March 19, 2020, 9 a.m.

I had a conference call first thing this morning. On my way there, I got a text from my brother.   

Andrew: Mom sounds confused. She said last night she didn't have a fever yet admitted it was 100? No problems breathing but dry mouth. She really had trouble getting her words out which worries me - I questioned it and she changed the subject. She said they're in it together and don't want us to do anything or have an opinion.  She does not sound OK and I’m worried. I urged them to call the doc. She said they don't want help. She said she can get up but she gets weak and dizzy. I have never heard Mom like this. Now she's coughing on the phone. Sounds like all the symptoms to me. She said she's not going to call and she's not going to go. 

My stomach dropped. I knew I needed to do something quickly. When the meeting was over, I shared my concerns with our nursing manager and my boss. The nurse manager said to get them to the ER immediately. I called Mom. She was so confused. I told her she needed to go to the ER and she told me to call Dad. I tried several times. No answer. I called Mom back and told her I was going to call EMS, but she adamantly refused. I begged her to come in.

I hung up the phone and saw one of the PHI leaders. He asked if I was OK and I broke down. I told him I believed my parents had COVID-19 and explained the symptoms. Soon, I was surrounded by my boss, several nurses and a physician. Everyone agreed I needed to send an EMS.

I called my mom back. They were trying to take each other’s temperatures with a 1970 glass mercury thermometer! I’m sure neither of them had their glasses on. I told Mom they needed to come in now. If they didn’t, I was calling EMS. She started crying. I think she knew she was sick. Really sick. I reassured her they’d get great care and asked her when they’d be there so I could let the ER know. She told me 30 minutes. She had to shower.

I drove to their house. Before I left the office, I grabbed a gown, mask and eye shield. I got to their house about 25 minutes later and called Dad’s phone. Mom hadn’t even gotten in the shower yet. I kept calling, every 30-35 minutes to check in. After three hours, she was dressed and ready to walk out the door. She’d been sitting on the bench in the shower and was afraid to stand up because it was soapy and she was weak and she was afraid she was going to fall.

We slowly made our way to the Parkview Regional Medical Center Emergency Room. I called Dad and told him to stop and let Mom out and I’d help him park. Mom got out of the car and stood, confused, waiting for Dad. I drove to the handicap spots and had him park in the one on the end. He hit the curb, parked and got out of the car.

"Aren't you coming in?" he asked through the phone.

I swallowed my tears and said, "No, Dad, I can't come in. No one is allowed in except for patients. I’m sorry and I wish I could."

He said it was OK and hung up. He pulled his black hood up over his baseball cap and slowly walked to catch up with Mom. A medical provider rushed out to get Mom into a wheelchair. She wheeled Mom in with Dad walking behind. Mom turned and looked at me. Oh God, please don’t let this be our last goodbye. Please let me watch them walk out of these doors someday.


March 19, 2020, 6 p.m.

I’m sitting in the garage having a glass of wine with Ryan and watching the rain fall. What a day. Mom called from the ER. She’s frustrated. She didn’t realize they were going to keep her in the hospital and she didn’t pack a bag. They’d already taken Dad to his room and she was waiting on hers. They’re giving her fluids.

Every time Dad comes to my house, he sneaks into my living room and takes a block “M” for Mohrman and flips it upside down to a “W” for Welch. I decided to flip it over and leave it until they come home.


I just saw [my son] Max’s Instagram post and it breaks my heart

Instagram post

March 20, 2020

I spoke to the nurse on the 6th floor. The pulmonologist is thinking they have atypical pneumonia and Infectious Disease has been consulted. Both of them were tested for COVID-19 early this morning to rule it out. Dad is eating and 92% oxygen on room air. Mom has a fever of 100.5 and was given Tylenol. All cultures (blood, respiratory, urine and strep) were negative. Mom is on room air and they may repeat an x-ray. If it is pneumonia, they will start them on antibiotics tomorrow and hopefully see improvement. 

March 21, 2020

Dad remains on room air, is very pleasant but doesn't feel good and is sleepy. His kidney function is better and he’s eating. He did spike a fever last night and once today. The COVID-19 results are still pending. Dr. Sarrazine was in today. He thinks Dad should be monitored overnight and may be discharged tomorrow in isolation until the COVID-19 results come back. As the day progresses, he needs 3L oxygen. He feels bad, and he is requesting ice chips, cough drops and water. They started him on Losartan, which would help with COVID-19 symptoms. We have questions about Remdesivier and Plaquenil, but they won’t consider those unless the COVID test is positive. He is now using a cooling blanket. He is a little confused but shivering. 

Mom is on oxygen now at 2L. She is confused and acting impulsively – trying to get out of bed. Her magnesium, potassium and calcium were all low today. Mom's x-ray shows ground glass opacity, which I know from work, is a tell-tale sign of COVID-19. Infectious Disease ordered more bloodwork. She was negative for a pulmonary embolism. 

She does not have a fever. She saw Dr. Sarrazine and he was optimistic. I asked how she was feeling, and she said she didn't feel bad when she went into the hospital and doesn’t feel bad now. She wants to come home. They ordered an EKG. Her oxygen needs increased to 6L. She’s not having trouble breathing, but she is using abdominal muscles to get breaths. Her heart rate was all over the place and her oxygen dropped into the 60s. They had to call a rapid response. She is now on continuous pulse oximetry.

March 22, 2020

Dad remains on a cooling blanket. His highest temperature was 103.8. COVID-19 results still not back, but we were told it would likely be at least four days. His confusion comes and goes. He is bumped up to 6L oxygen.

Mom is doing a little better with her oxygen today, but still on 6L with nasal cannula. Her cough is a little better and her electrolytes remain a little off so they will replace with IV fluids. She hasn't had a fever all day, just last night. Her EKG came back and showed atrial fibrillation (AFib). She is on 4L and short of breath, but her oxygen saturations are OK. She refused breakfast and lunch and is "considering supper".  She is resting and not coughing.

March 22, 2020, 6 p.m.

They are transferring Dad to the MICU. His oxygen status is declining. He is on a nonrebreather on 10L and is shivering so bad and using more oxygen. They don't know if he will be intubated or not. I pray he doesn’t have to go on a vent.

Dr. AbouDaya called. "I am sorry but your father is now on life support in the ICU." He is on IV Tylenol and has a fever of 100.5. He was given sedation via a central line. 

Mom called a short time later, upset. She’d just heard about Dad’s declining status. She got up to use the bathroom and they had to use a different mask for her to recover.

Her nurse called a short time later to let me know Mom had also been transferred to the ICU. This cannot be happening. I’ve read the stats and I know that there’s less than a 20% survival rate with COVID-19 when patients go on a ventilator. I need to breathe. This has been the toughest night so far. Jack retreats to his room to cry in private. I cuddle up next to Pete on the couch with Max sitting next to us. We cry. And cry. And cry. We pray. We tell stories and talk about how much we love them until 1 a.m.

March 23, 2020

I fell asleep at some point during the night, clenching my cell phone in my hand so I wouldn’t miss a call. 

I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and sent a text to my father-in-law, Mike, a physician and the only person who I know will be up at this hour.

Me: I assume you are up now. My dad is on a vent and my mom followed right behind him to the ICU. They haven't called me to tell me what is going on. I am so scared.

Mike: It is certainly appropriate to be scared, but we have ventilators to give patients time to heal their lungs. Your parents are seriously ill, but they can still survive this, otherwise their docs would never have put them on a vent.

Me: I just can't believe this is happening.

Mike: I feel so bad for you and the rest of your family. It has to be terrible not to see your parents! It brings home the reality of this whole pandemic.

Me: It's heartbreaking and now we can't even talk to them. I wake every day and realize it wasn't a nightmare.

We added Dr. Mark O'Shaughnessy, a dear friend and co-worker, as Mom and Dad's healthcare advocate since we cannot be there. He called this morning, letting me know their vitals are stable. Mom's chest x-ray looks better than Dad’s. Later, I found out that Dad is fighting the vent, so they had to increase his sedation and add a paralytic.

March 24, 2020

Dr. O'Shaughnessy called and let me know Mom is running a fever, but no real change other than that. Dr. O’Shaughnessy tells me Dad is, "moving at a snail’s pace but that’s OK." COVID-19 results still pending.

Dr. Bajantri called. He said words I don’t like. He told me that, even though their COVID tests are still pending, they have acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), something I’ve read all about in the hours when I can’t sleep. He describes ARDS as very bad pneumonia and that COVID-19 is highly suspicious in their case. He says currently, he is not sure how much either of them can breathe on their own or how their lungs are functioning because they are sedated. Dad required the paralytic because he was fighting the vent and we need his lungs to rest while treating the inflammation and infection.  After 48 hours they will stop the paralytic to assess how he does.

March 25, 2020

Mom is slightly more dependent on the vent than Dad. They started both of them on a feeding tube. They are on a lung protective strategy vent with low titer volume. Dad was taken off the paralytic. They will try to possibly decrease sedation but it is too early to say when we can wean him off the vent.

March 25, 2020, 9:30 p.m.

Dad has been opening his eyes up some, but this will take some time for the medication to wear off. He went into AFib but they are keeping his heart rate low with medication. 

March 26, 2020

A nurse had concerns when she couldn’t find a pulse in Mom’s leg and it was discolored. They had a consult with cardiovascular surgery and they used Doppler to find a pulse. She is not going to lose a leg. Dad's AFib has resolved.

They will decrease sedation from time to time to see if they can move their extremities. This is the fourth day on the vent, and they may need as many as seven. They have not deteriorated since their ICU admission so that’s good, but they are not out of the woods. They are stable.

March 27, 2020

Dr Bajantri called one last time before he hands the reigns over to Dr. AbouDaya. No signs of deterioration but both are still dependent on the vent. They are trying to find the balance in decreasing sedation and controlling their vitals. Mom’s balance has been a little easier and she is less dependent. They need time more than anything else. But they are heading in the right direction.

March 28, 2020

Still no COVID results. I went out for a jog with Max. We need some fresh air! On our way back, Dr. Collis called and told me he feels encouraged. 

March 29, 2020

Mom’s oxygen is up because her sats were dropping. Her temperature remains 101. She’s been doing OK, but coughing. Dad is stable, but still has a temp. They were able to decrease all the sedation and he woke up and was trying to squeeze the nurse’s hands but still coughing.

I feel so helpless. I ordered Cookie Cottage for the MICU staff. What else can I do for the people who are trying to save my parents?

March 30, 2020

Mom's temp spiked to 101.5. She is awake, but not responding to cues. She moves everything but not on command. Dad is opening his eyes and did OK through the night. He is not following many commands as of yet. 

March 31, 2020

COVID results came back positive. Mom couldn't stop coughing yesterday. She is opening her eyes, but not squeezing their hands hard.

Dad’s oxygen is at 40%. He is opening his eyes but not following commands. They may do another breathing trial tonight. 

April 1, 2020

Mom is mad and has been asking to get out of bed for the last two hours. The nurse is giving her Versed to calm her down so her lungs can rest. 

Prayer vigil

April 2, 2020

Mom actually did OK on her breathing trial.  The arterial blood gasses showed her PO2 (partial pressure of oxygen) was a little low so the disease process is just taking a little more time.

Dad is responding to all commands. He did really well on his breathing trial and they will do another and get a chest x-ray tomorrow.   

Dr. Khan said they are in a much better place now than before. He said in patients without COVID-19, 5% don’t do well with extubation, but that number increases with this infection.  Mom is waking up with decreased sedation. She is requiring a tad more oxygen. Without COVID, she would have been extubated by now, but she needs more time. They want to be 110% sure they are ready so we don't have to go back. If oxygen sats look good, we will extubate tomorrow. 

There was a prayer vigil in the parking lot tonight.

April 3, 2020

Dad was extubated 30 minutes ago! Best call yet! He is intermittently confused, which is typical. He asked where Mom was, but didn't know his location. They should know how he’ll do off the vent within the first 12-24 hours. He has a weak cough. He is on a couple liters of oxygen right now but doing well.

Mom is doing a little worse today. She started pulling her tubes and required some restraints. She was coughing and had a fever.

April 4, 2020

Dad has been off oxygen except when he’s sleeping. He is still quite delirious. He can say who he is and tries to get up because he needs to go to work.  

Mom is still on a vent. She needed more sedation this morning and is much more comfortable and stable.

My sweet friend Anne dropped off a plate of homemade cookies that we all devoured, homemade wine and this beautiful knitted cloth.


April 5, 2020, 10 a.m.

Mom was in AFib this morning. The doctor decreased vent and will check blood gasses. She needs to rest.

Dad is awake and sleepy. They took his central line out to prevent infection. He is confused. He knows his name and his wife's name but doesn't stay awake long enough for much more. They are going to try to get him up in a chair and then call me back. 


April 5, 2020, 4 p.m.

Dad called! The nurse, Stacy, took the zoom camera in there and put ear buds in his ears. The boys and I got to talk to him. Oh my gosh he looks like he has been to hell and back! We can't understand much of what he is saying. He kind of talks like he is drunk but he certainly acts like he knows what he is saying. 

Stacy offered to put Mom on zoom too so I could see her and at least say something in her ear. Mom’s nurse, Amber, helped put the ear pod in her ear. I told her she needed to stay strong and we are all praying for her and miss her so much. I told her we all loved her. Amber said that, when I was talking, it was the first time she moved her head all day.

April 6, 2020

Today, Dad is going to be transferred to the 7th floor! His nurse asked if he had a chicken farm. I guess he kept trying to get out of bed and let the chickens out. That’s interesting!

Mom is more awake and they did a breathing trial, but her heart rate and respiratory rate went up. They will try again tomorrow. 

April 7, 2020

Dad now has a rash on his torso, back and neck and they feel it could be from the virus. Physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) to see him today. He says he isn’t in any pain.

April 8, 2020

They’re giving Mom a break from the breathing trial today because she needed additional support. She is opening her eyes and wiggling her toes. 

We dropped photos off for Dad with the kids’ names on the back to reorient him. He is confused. Speech is going to evaluate his swallowing, but overall he is improving. He’s on room air and has hospital delirium. They are recommending a short term rehab facility for him.

Since I can’t be with them, I decided to jog around the PRMC campus to be as close as possible. I did a workout across the pathway to send strength up to their rooms.

Parkview Regional Medical Center

April 9, 2020

Dad failed his speech evaluation today. We were able to Facetime him, and he asked the boys if they were staying out of trouble and told us to keep the cards coming. His speech was much better than a couple days ago.

Mom did well on her breathing trial today but her respiratory rate remains too high. I worry that it’s hard for her to hear the nurses with their face masks on. She struggles with that sometimes.

Tonight, Anne sent me a devotion. It brings tears to my eyes. It was meant for my mother.


The last time I saw my parents, they gave me this dreamcatcher from their trip to Arizona. Tonight, it’s on my bedside in hopes tomorrow will be promising.

dream catcher

April 10, 2020

Mom passed her breathing trial and is off all her sedation. She is following commands. Her nurse, Holly, turned the TV on for her. She does squeeze and wiggle her toes. Dr Blackmon agreed she is ready for extubation! It is Good Friday and this Friday is so, so good!

April 11, 2020

The nurses’ goal today is to get Mom and Dad in the same room together. Mom is doing well and Dad’s nurse described him as "pleasantly confused".

April 12, 2020

Dr. Blackmon anticipates Mom has one more day in ICU. Mom, of course, wants to go home. Her nurse, Patrick, says she is making baby steps on cognition and following more commands.

Dad is still preoccupied with chickens. He wants real food! He was able to sit on the side of the bed himself today, and says he "is in Fort Wayne, name is Dave Welch and I have COVID".

April 13, 2020, 10 a.m.

Today Dad knew his wife’s birthday and his anniversary, but not his own birthday. The other two are the ones that matter, I guess. He was informed he’ll be transferring to a rehab facility once he has two negative COVID tests. He said OT was in and "pumped him up" and he really wants a shave.

Mom is doing absolutely wonderful. She turned side to side, was up in a chair, and got her hair washed. She knew she was at Parkview and ate a little applesauce. Her arms are pretty weak and therapy will start tomorrow.

April 13, 2020, 5 p.m.

Dr. Blackmon called and said Mom is doing absolutely astounding and she has her marching orders to move out of ICU. He can't believe how well she is doing from Friday to Monday.

Once she was on the 7th floor, her nurse helped her call me. I told her she was getting better every day. In true mom fashion she responded, "Well, it can only get better from here!"

April 14, 2020

Dad's down 40 pounds since admission. He has had significant improvement. Today he didn't know his birthday, why or where he was but then he remembered. He passed his swallow study and he wants ice cream! The nurses tried to facilitate a call between Mom and Dad. Mom just said "Hi", answered “no” to two questions and then said "Goodbye". 

Mom's not eating. She’s down 29 pounds since admission. She is really confused, which they said is normal for patients coming off vents.

They need two negative COVID tests to transfer her to rehab as well. No matter where they go, we want them to be together.

April 15, 2020

Dad’s COVID test from April 13 came back positive. He is so upset. He was up out of bed today. He didn’t sleep because of his rash.

We found this chalk art on our walk.

Chalk art

April 16, 2020

Mom was screaming for Dad last night. She needs to be more alert and less agitated before she can be discharged.

Dad is medically clear for discharge. In order for them to do Parkview inpatient rehab, they need those two negative COVID results. Some patients have been testing positive for 30 days. As of today, we will leave them where they are for the weekend with therapies and then reassess on Monday.

April 17, 2020

Mom cried out for Dad again last night and pulled her IV out. Her first COVID test came back negative.

Dad is doing great! He’s walking in his room, but he struggles with fine motor skills and is sad because "My wife doesn't want to talk to me." His rash is now gone.

April 18, 2020

Mom’s nurse called and asked if she could transfer the call into the room because she would benefit from someone talking to her. Mom asked where dad was and I said he was in the hospital. She said she was at North Anthony post office and needed me to come and get her. I reassured her she was at the hospital and that she needed to eat and get better. She said she wanted to talk to Dad and if I couldn’t help her, she’d find someone who could. Then she hung up!

Dad is becoming a little paranoid about being in the hospital and if he is ever going to get to leave. 

Mom and Dad finally talked for about 30 minutes and it went well. 

Mom's second test came back negative. The case managers and therapists decided that Lutheran Rehab is the best option for Mom, with hopes her and Dad can share a room if he ever gets his two negatives.

April 19, 2020

Dad’s first COVID test yesterday was negative! Yay! The nurse went in and told him to celebrate, but as we were on the phone the second test came back positive. He was eating lunch but he was not happy. 

I spoke to Mom for an hour. She is tearful and has been up since 6 a.m. 

My brother arranged to have their house and cars “fogged” to kill viruses and germs so we don’t have to worry about exposure when we go in.

April 20, 2020

Dad was transferred to the COVID unit at Ashton Creek. As I pulled up, I saw the ambulance that transferred him. They were cleaning it thoroughly. I dropped off his clothes and then talked to him through the window. Even though I couldn't be in the same room, it was great just to see him!

Mom is not eating. I was out for a jog and her nurse called. She got on the phone and was quite confused. When I corrected her, she got tearful and said that she just wants her hair washed. Her nurse offered to help her and ended the call. He called back and apologized for her being upset. She has a UTI and they’re hopeful that the antibiotics they ordered will help with some of this confusion.

Dad called me and he is ready to start therapy!

April 21, 2020

Mom called at 6:15 in the morning. She wanted me to pick her up and to come right now!  She said she’d be at the Parkview ER door waiting for me. She called back at 6:30 to say she had to do therapy first before she could leave.

April 22, 2020

Mom’s second COVID test came back negative!

April 23, 2020

Mom called this morning at 8:30. She is fired up and ready for her discharge today at 2 p.m.

Dad continues getting therapy in his room at Ashton Creek. Since he is COVID-positive, he cannot leave his room. He says the food is great and therapy is good. We are able to monitor his vital signs on the Ashton Creek app, which is nice!

April 26, 2020

Dad’s COVID test came back negative! One more and he can transfer with Mom!

April 28, 2020

Second COVID test for Dad came back today and it was … drumroll, please … negative! His discharge plans are in order and he can finally be transferred to be with Mom. 

April 29, 2020

My sister, Laura, and I met up at Mom and Dad’s house to pack a bag of clothes for her. Mom is pretty particular about what she wants. We all want to be there for their reunion today. It’s the first time they will see each other since March 19th when they were separated in the ER. That’s 41 days! Mom said she doesn’t want to be "on display" and would prefer this moment be private. We honored their wishes and stayed at home.

April 30, 2020

Ryan, the boys and I went up to the rehab hospital to see them. We called them on Facetime and propped the phone up on the ledge outside the window. They wheeled Mom up to the window and Dad sat behind her. It was great to finally see them together.

May 5, 2020

Mom is on a bed alarm and is constantly setting it off. She wants to be independent and do her own thing. Dad is enjoying going down to therapy, but everyone is ready to be home.


May 7, 2020

Homecoming day!

It has been 50 days, and now, we get to welcome them home. To see them come out of the facility is such a good sight! There were many days during this journey when we weren't sure this day would come. Friends and family from all over sent cards, flowers, videos and well wishes. Prayers were being said all over this city and across the country and this helped bring our parents’ home today. Praise the Lord!

welcome home

mothers day

May 10, 2020

It’s Mother’s Day!  We rejoiced and celebrated a little differently this year. Typically, Ryan grills out for all the moms at our house and the kids play outside. Today, we got carry-out and brought it over to Mom and Dad’s. It was such a great day. We feel thankful for our blessings and such joy celebrating this day with our mom!


A message from the Dave and Linda

We cannot begin to thank all the family, friends and people we don't even know, for all of their prayers, gifts and well wishes as we returned home. We also would like to thank all of the doctors, therapists, nurses, techs and everyone who cared for us through this surreal chapter in our lives. We would never want to see anyone go through this, but with all those people praying for us, God decided it was not our time to go and He had other plans for us here still on Earth. Thank you ALL for everything.

– Dave & Linda Welch


*These details and photographs were shared with the knowledge and consent of Dave and Linda Welch.

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