4 reasons to give yoga a go

Last Modified: 8/08/2018

For Laura Eck, wellness coach, Parkview Health, practicing yoga has been life-changing. “I’m an RN as well,” she said, “and when I was going through nursing school, I discovered yoga and fell in love. I felt myself gaining clarity and growing stronger.” Now Laura is sharing her passion by instructing classes for coworkers. If you aren’t sure if yoga is right for you, Laura has four arguments in favor of stepping onto the mat.

1. Yoga has healing powers

Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that helps strengthen muscles. The practice has been known to decrease joint pain, support cardiovascular health, and benefit those suffering from osteoarthritis as well as those who have balance/mobility issues.

2. Yoga is for everyone

The wonderful thing about yoga is that anyone can do it, regardless of age or mobility. Every yoga pose can be broken down to an easier option or added onto to make it more challenging. You can really customize a class to fit your needs, whether that is rest and relaxation or increasing cardio and strength.

3. Group yoga can keep you on track

For those who thrive off of other's energy, a group setting can be a great place to get started. It can increase motivation and help you stay accountable so you maintain a consistent workout routine. One thing I always say as an instructor when I teach a group class is, "Leave your ego at the door and put your blinders on." Yoga is not about trying to master what your neighbor is doing or beating yourself up over not being able to touch your toes. It is more about listening to your body and doing what feels best for you.

4. Yoga is a stress reliever

What is the one thing people who work out consistently need more of? Stretching! What is one thing people want less of? Stress! Yoga is a form of stretching that helps decrease stress, which has particular benefit for those suffering from depression or anxiety. The practice helps release tension in the shoulders, neck and back.

Remember the intention of yoga: To build awareness and develop a connection between the mind and body.


Convinced? Ready to get started?

Classes are often offered through the Parkview Center for Healthy Living. Check the schedule at the beginning of each month. Several local yoga studios also offer beginner classes. Go to a class with an open mind and most importantly, have fun!  



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